10 In-Demand Jobs That Don't Require a College Degree


10 In-Demand Jobs That Don't Require a College Degree

Do you feel you need a college degree to get a good job? Think again. There are plenty of in-demand jobs out there that don't require a four-year degree. From dental hygienists to commercial pilots, there are a variety of options to explore. These jobs require various levels of education and training, but all offer competitive salaries and opportunities for career advancement. If you're considering a career change or just starting out in the workforce, take a look at these 10 in-demand jobs that don't require a college degree.


Java code for facial recognition


Java code for facial recognition

Here is a simple Java program that demonstrates how to perform facial recognition using the Java OpenCV library:

import org.opencv.core.Core;
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import org.opencv.core.MatOfRect;
import org.opencv.core.Point;
import org.opencv.core.Rect;
import org.opencv.core.Scalar;
import org.opencv.imgcodecs.Imgcodecs;
import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc;
import org.opencv.objdetect.CascadeClassifier;

public class FacialRecognition {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Load the OpenCV library

        // Load the image file
        Mat image = Imgcodecs.imread("image.jpg");

        // Load the classifier file
        CascadeClassifier classifier = new CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml");

        // Detect faces in the image
        MatOfRect faceDetections = new MatOfRect();
        classifier.detectMultiScale(image, faceDetections);

        // Draw a bounding box around each detected face
        for (Rect rect : faceDetections.toArray()) {
            Imgproc.rectangle(image, new Point(rect.x, rect.y), new Point(rect.x + rect.width, rect.y + rect.height), new Scalar(0, 0, 255));

        // Save the image with the detected faces
        Imgcodecs.imwrite("image_with_faces.jpg", image);

This program uses the Java OpenCV library to load an image file, load a classifier file that is trained to recognize faces, detect faces in the image, and then draw a bounding box around each detected face.

Note that this program assumes that you have already installed the Java OpenCV library and have the necessary classifier files. You can download the Java OpenCV library and classifier files from the OpenCV website (https://opencv.org/).


10 reasons to hire from a staffing agency


10 reasons to hire from a staffing agency

  1. Access to a pool of qualified candidates: Staffing agencies often have a large pool of candidates with various skills and experience, making it easier to find the right fit for your company.

  2. Time-saving: Recruiting and hiring can be time-consuming, especially if you have to sift through a large number of resumes and conduct multiple rounds of interviews. Working with a staffing agency can save you time and allow you to focus on other tasks.

  3. Cost-effective: Staffing agencies can be cost-effective because they handle many of the tasks associated with recruiting and hiring, such as advertising job openings and conducting initial interviews.

  4. Flexibility: Staffing agencies can provide temporary, temp-to-perm, or permanent staffing solutions, allowing you to be flexible and adjust your staffing needs as needed.

  5. Expertise: Staffing agencies have expertise in recruiting and hiring, and can provide valuable insights and advice on how to find the right candidates for your company.

  6. Screening: Staffing agencies often have processes in place to screen candidates and ensure that they are qualified and a good fit for your company.

  7. Onboarding: Staffing agencies can handle the onboarding process for new hires, which can save your company time and resources.

  8. Training: Some staffing agencies offer training and development programs for their candidates, which can be beneficial for your company if you need new hires to have certain skills or certifications.

  9. Legal compliance: Staffing agencies can help ensure that your company complies with employment laws and regulations.

  10. Risk management: Working with a staffing agency can help mitigate the risk of hiring the wrong candidate, as the agency will be responsible for replacing them if the placement is not successful.


Use UNION in DAX to unpivot a table in PowerBI


Use UNION in DAX to unpivot a table in PowerBI

In DAX, you can use the UNION function to combine the rows of two or more tables. To unpivot a table in Power BI, you can use the UNION function in combination with the SELECTCOLUMNS function, which allows you to create a new table by selecting columns from one or more existing tables.

Here's an example of how you can use the UNION and SELECTCOLUMNS functions to unpivot a table in Power BI:

-- Create a table with sample data let Source = Table.FromRows(Json.Document(Binary.Decompress(Binary.FromText("i45WclTSUzNyczPV9Lz0xJzEyN1UvOzE3M3UvIz0/KzMvJzE1Ny0xNzEsI0MvOzEtM0MvOzEtMy8nMTAvJy81Lz4/IzQvOyE=", BinaryEncoding.Base64), Compression.Deflate)), let _t = ((type text) meta [Serialized.Text = true]) in type table [Column1 = _t, Column2 = _t, Column3 = _t, Column4 = _t]), #"Changed Type" = Table.TransformColumnTypes(Source,{{"Column1", type text}, {"Column2", type text}, {"Column3", type number}, {"Column4", type number}}), #"Unpivoted Other Columns" = Table.UnpivotOtherColumns(#"Changed Type", {"Column1"}, "Attribute", "Value") in #"Unpivoted Other Columns"

This code creates a table with sample data and then uses the UNION and SELECTCOLUMNS functions to unpivot the table. The resulting table will have four columns: "Column1", "Attribute", "Value", and "Type". The "Column1" column will contain the values from the "Column1" column in the original table, the "Attribute" column will contain the names of the columns that were unpivoted (e.g. "Column2", "Column3", "Column4"), the "Value" column will contain the values from the unpivoted columns, and the "Type" column will contain the data type of the values in the "Value" column (e.g. "text", "number").

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.


Why hire from CygniSoft Staffing?


Why hire from CygniSoft Staffing?

There are several benefits to hiring from a staffing agency like ours:

  1. Access to a pool of qualified candidates: Staffing agencies have a network of professionals who are actively looking for work. This means that you have access to a larger pool of qualified candidates than you might have through traditional recruiting methods.

  2. Time and cost savings: Hiring through a staffing agency can save you time and money. We handle the recruitment process for you, including sourcing, screening, and interviewing candidates. This can free up time for you to focus on other important tasks.

  3. Flexibility: Staffing agencies offer flexible staffing options, such as temporary, temp-to-perm, and permanent placements. This allows you to scale your workforce up or down as needed.

  4. Expertise: Staffing agencies have a team of experienced professionals who specialize in recruiting and placing candidates. This means that you can rely on us to find the best fit for your business needs.

  5. Risk management: Hiring through a staffing agency can help mitigate risk for your business. If a temporary employee doesn't work out, we can quickly provide a replacement. Additionally, our agency handles all employment-related legal issues, such as payroll and benefits.

By choosing to hire from our staffing agency, you can access a pool of qualified candidates, save time and money, and enjoy the flexibility and expertise that our agency offers.


How to write a good business proposal?


How to write a good business proposal?

A business proposal is a document that outlines the terms of a business relationship between two or more parties. It is typically used to persuade a potential client or partner to take a specific course of action, such as purchasing a product or service, entering into a partnership, or investing in a business.

Here are some key points that you may want to consider including in a business proposal for a software company:

  1. Introduction: This should include a brief overview of your company, its products or services, and its target market.

  2. Problem statement: Identify the problem that your product or service is designed to solve, and explain how it addresses the needs of your target market.

  3. Solution: Describe the features and benefits of your product or service, and explain how it solves the problem identified in the problem statement.

  4. Pricing: Outline the costs associated with your product or service, including any recurring fees or subscription plans.

  5. Implementation: Detail the process for implementing your product or service, including any necessary training or support.

  6. Evaluation: Discuss the metrics that will be used to evaluate the success of the product or service, and outline any ongoing support or maintenance that will be provided.

  7. Conclusion: Summarize the key points of your proposal and reiterate the value that your product or service will bring to the client or partner.

Remember to tailor your business proposal to the specific needs and goals of your potential client or partner, and to highlight the value that your company can bring to the relationship.


Do I Need A Website for My Business? 10 Reasons Why the Answer is YES


Do I Need A Website for My Business? 10 Reasons Why the Answer is YES

If you have not developed a website for your business, you might be wondering: do I need one? The answer is yes! In today's competitive marketplace, a website can be the difference between failure and success. A well-designed website will not only give your business an edge over competitors in your area, but it will also help you establish credibility among potential buyers and aid in establishing a strong online presence.

Not convinced? We’ve collected ten of the biggest benefits your small business can receive from even a simple website.

Ten reasons why you need a website for your small business

1. A website makes you look professional

84% of today’s consumers think a website makes your business more credible than companies that only have social media profiles. Your website is also the perfect place to show off any professional certifications or awards your business has.

Beyond that, having your own website lets you create a branded email address (e.g. dianna@yoursite.com) which adds a level of professionalism to all of your correspondence, especially if you’ve used a personal email address to conduct business up until now. In addition, some email marketing tools no longer allow users to send emails from personal addresses. This means that if you want to take advantage of the power of email marketing, you’ll need a business email account.

2. Your website can attract new customers through Google

You may be happy with the current size of your business, but every company experiences customer turnover. To encourage continued success, you need to attract new customers, and one of the best ways to do it is by making yourself more visible on Google. Social media networks are indexed on Google, and social media posts can be found with the search engine, but a website gives you access to many more tools and strategies for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). And SEO is the key to making your business appear on the front page of Google.

The phrase “search engine optimization” might be intimidating, but in practice, it’s fairly simple. You enter words and phrases related to your business into a keyword research tool, figure out which ones are getting the most traffic on Google, then build your content around those phrases. As a rule, each piece of content should be focused on a different keyword, so that as your list of content grows, your site is able to rank for more keywords. There are some excellent SEO plugins for WordPress that make it easy to do this, with no previous training required.

3. You can clearly showcase your products and services

You can show potential customers what they’ll get when they work with you by displaying high-quality photography on your website. Take a look at how the UK restaurant Blackhouse has accomplished this on their website:

You can also use your website design, along with the featured images, to give people a sense of what it feels like to enter your physical location. This works particularly well if your brand is closely tied to the “feel” of your location.

Another thing you can do is publish important information about your products and services on your website to make sure you’re attracting the right customers. For example, if you run a restaurant, you might want to mark any items on your menu that are gluten-free so people with Celiac or other conditions that make gluten dangerous know they can eat in your establishment.

4. You can display your best reviews and testimonials prominently on your website

Displaying your best reviews and/or testimonials prominently on your website is a great way to establish social proof. This might come in the form of personal customer testimonials, like this review on the website of the non-profit organization.

If your business has appeared in articles from newspapers or popular local blogs, you can also feature those as well.

Publishing your best reviews on your website also serves the secondary purpose of creating a permanent archive. This means that even if third-party review sites close at some point in the future, you’ll still have access to your best reviews.

5. A website can encourage customers to contact you

A website is a great place to make your contact information easily available to potential customers. You can even publish your contact information in a header or footer so it appears on every single page. Snakes and Lattes, a small chain of board game cafes, has placed phone numbers for all four of their locations in their website footer.

6. You can integrate your website with Google Maps so people can find you more easily

A website lets you embed maps directly into your content. Some businesses, like CygniSoft, have a map embedded directly onto their home page:

7. Your website establishes your place in your industry

As of 2021, 71% of small businesses have websites and 81% of customers research things online before they buy them. In other words, if your competitors are online and you’re not, those competitors get the first interactions with customers.

Creating a website gives you a space to share what your business is about, establish your role in the industry, and connect with the customers who need you.

8. A website is no longer intimidating to create and manage

Modern website builders like Squarespace and Wix make it easy for you to build an attractive, mobile-friendly site without any knowledge of code. Even WordPress, the most popular way to make a website, has transitioned to a block editor.

9. A website ensures your success over the long term

As of January 2021, almost 4.66 billion people (59.5% of the global population) used the Internet. In many countries, that number is much higher. In the US, for example, over 90% of people are online.

Without a website, your business is invisible to these people. As we progress further into the digital era, your business will become invisible to everyone unless you invest in a website.

So to stay competitive in this increasingly digital world, your business needs to get online.

10. You can get all of these benefits without spending a fortune

Building a website isn’t just easier than it used to be; it’s also more affordable.

So, do I need a website for my business? The final verdict

Hopefully, by now you’ve realized that the question isn’t “do I need a website for my business”, but “can I afford to not have a website in the digital era”. And the answer, if you want to continue thriving in the long term, is no. More and more, even staying afloat without a business website is impossible. Your customers are online, your competitors are online, and if you’re not there to intervene, your competitors and your customers will connect, leaving you in the lurch.

Finally, if you have any questions about launching a website for your small business, ask away in the comments section below!


Helping You Help Your Customers


Helping You Help Your Customers

Choose one, some, or all. Dynamics 365 applications are made to work together—and with your existing systems—for a comprehensive solution that connects your entire business. So you connect with every customer.


The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started


The Secret of Getting Ahead is Getting Started

The road to success is not a straight line, but a winding one with many hills and valleys. Sometimes you may feel like you’re stuck at a particular plateau for an extended period of time. Keeping your spirits high and continuing to push forward can be challenging, but there are ways to keep moving up that hill. In order to get ahead and stay ahead in your career, you need to find ways of getting started on new projects or tasks more quickly than before. The secret of getting ahead is getting started -- even when it feels hard to do so. If you need help getting started in your next job, check out the following tips on how to get started faster and more efficiently whenever you’re faced with a new task or project:

Make a game plan before you start

Planning your work before you get started will help you get more done in less time. Rather than diving in head-first and hoping for the best, you’ll have a clear path towards meeting your goals. If you have a large project coming up, break it down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Be specific about what you’ll need to accomplish and by when. This makes it much easier to stay on track and get your work done in a timely fashion. If you have a more immediate task that you need to knock out now, make a checklist so you don’t forget anything. Checklists often get a bad rap, but they have been proven to help people stay more organized and productive. A checklist can be as simple as identifying the task you need to complete and the materials you’ll need to do it. This will help you stay focused and on task as you complete your work.

Define your key tasks before you start

Break down the big picture of what you need to do into smaller, manageable chunks. It’s not uncommon for people to feel overwhelmed when they’re faced with a large project. By breaking up the project into smaller, more manageable tasks, you can take off some of the pressure and feel less overwhelmed by the big picture. When you’re starting a new project, ask yourself: What are the big, key tasks I need to accomplish to get this project done? On a piece of paper, write down the key tasks you need to complete. Once you have your key tasks defined, break them down into smaller, bite-sized chunks. Now you have your to-do list in order of priority -- making it easier to get started and stay on track.

Use the “two-minute” rule before you start

The next time you have a to-do item that’s been sitting on your list for too long, try this trick: Work on the task for two minutes. After two minutes, no matter how much you’ve accomplished, stop. This rule applies to email as well. When you receive an email that requires action, work on it for two minutes before you decide to send or delete it. Once you’ve worked on the task for two minutes, you’ll have a better idea of how much time it’ll take to complete. The two-minute rule has been proven to help people stay more focused and efficient. After working on a task for two minutes, you’ll have a much better idea of how much time it will take to complete it. If you’re not certain how long it will take you to accomplish a task, estimate the amount of time you think it will take to get it done. This will help you stay focused and on track.

Find your triggers to get started faster

When you’re staring down a big project or task, it can be easy to put it off. While it’s important to be organized and ready to take on new challenges, it’s also important to get started on time. If you have a tendency to put off starting a particular project or task, find a trigger that will help you get started sooner. This trigger could be related to your environment, schedule, or even your work space. For example, if you find it hard to get started on that report due on Friday, try getting it done on Thursday so it’s out of the way. Find your triggers and incorporate those into your daily routine so you can get started faster on your work and reach your goals.


Getting ahead in your career starts with getting started -- especially when challenges arise. The key to getting started more quickly is to make a game plan, define your key tasks, use the “two-minute” rule, find your triggers, and then get started.


Data to Decisions


Data to Decisions


  • We help transform your company’s data into rich visuals for you to collect and organize so you can focus on what matters to you.

  • Solve the real problems that businesses face

  • With best practices of design, data modeling, and analysis, we build Power BI solutions that deliver results


 .Net Developer


.Net Developer

Position: .Net Developer

Location: Torrance, CA - Need local or someone who can relocate

Duration: Contract

Visa: Green Card or US Citizen only

Job Description:

  • ·         Interact with Business Users and respective stakeholders to understand the requirements

  • ·         Analyze the requirements and prepare design document, as applicable

  • ·         Perform coding in .NET and Unit testing

  • ·         Perform Functional Testing

  • ·         Perform SIT, as applicable

  • ·         Support Business/IT stakeholders on the UAT

  • ·         Deployment Support

  • ·         Update the status of the work assigned to PM on a weekly basis

  • ·         Excellent communications skills, both written & verbal

  • ·         Should be ready to start from Torrance, USA


Business Analyst – Senior


Business Analyst – Senior

Job Title: RQ01954 - Business Analyst – Senior

Client: Ministry of Health in Toronto, ON.

Location: Hybrid

Must Haves:

  • ·         Experience leading and conducting business and system analysis in order to assess client’s business problems/opportunities and document the business/system requirements in such a way that I&IT solutions can be designed.

  • ·         Experience conducting analyses at varying levels of detail, appropriate to the project and phases of project, aligning with OPS standards

  • ·         Experience conducting business modeling; use case modeling; conceptual and logical data modeling; process and data flow modeling; use case surveys; business rules definition and non-functional requirements definitions for assigned projects, including screen specifications, business rules, data migration requirements, etc. 

  • ·         Some working knowledge/experience with Cloud technology based solutioning would be an asset

  • ·         Experience with Microsoft PowerApps solutions (Dynamics 365, Power BI etc.) development projects would be an asset



  • ·         Support the CSIM Branch in developing and implementing new solutions such as French Language Health Services Data Collection and other initiatives

  • ·         Lead and conduct business and system analysis in order to assess client’s business problems/opportunities and document the business/system requirements in such a way that I&IT solutions can be designed.

  • ·         Conduct analysis at varying levels of detail, appropriate to the project and phases of project, aligning with OPS standards

  • ·         Liaise between Business Areas and the IT Development and Testing teams to clarify business requirements and translate them into system requirements

  • ·         Conduct business modeling; use case modeling; conceptual and logical data modeling; process and data flow modeling; use case surveys; business rules definition and non-functional requirements definitions for assigned projects, including screen specifications, business rules, data migration requirements, etc. 

  • ·         Produce/update documentation which will allow future support of the implemented solutions


Business Analysis Experience 50%

  • ·         Experience leading and conducting business and system analysis in order to assess client’s business problems/opportunities and document the business/system requirements in such a way that I&IT solutions can be designed.

  • ·         Experience conducting analyses at varying levels of detail, appropriate to the project and phases of project, aligning with OPS standards

  • ·         Experience conducting business modeling; use case modeling; conceptual and logical data modeling; process and data flow modeling; use case surveys; business rules definition and non-functional requirements definitions for assigned projects, including screen specifications, business rules, data migration requirements, etc.

  • ·         Some working knowledge/experience with Cloud technology based solutioning would be an asset

  • ·         Experience with Microsoft PowerApps solutions (Dynamics 365, Power BI etc.) development projects would be an asset


IT/SDLC Experience 30%

·         10+ years of experience working on projects involving large, complex, mission critical applications


·         10+ years of experience in business requirements, business modeling; use case modeling; conceptual and logical data modeling; process and data flow modeling; use case surveys; business rules definition and non-functional requirements definitions for assigned projects

·         Experience in both agile and waterfall project management methodologies


Consulting skills 15 %

  • ·         Experience consulting and coordinating between Business Areas and the IT Development and Testing teams to clarify business requirements and translate them into system requirements

  • ·         Critical thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills

  • ·         Excellent verbal and written communication skills

  • ·         Proven ability to engage with stakeholders and build strong working relationships

  • ·         Excellent customer service skills, including tact and diplomacy to ensure client needs are managed effectively

  • ·         A motivated, flexible, creative team player with perseverance, excellent multi-tasking abilities and a proven track record for meeting strict deadlines


OPS Experience 5 %

  • ·         Familiar with OPS Enterprise Architecture artifacts (or similar) and has ability to produce technical documentation which comply with industry standard practices

  • ·         Knowledge of Project Management Institute (PMI) and OPS I&IT project management methodologies

  • ·         Experience with OPS Health related projects


UI Designer - Senior


UI Designer - Senior

RQ01965 - UI Designer – Senior

Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services in Toronto, ON

Employment Type: Contract

Must Haves:

  • ·         HTML5, CSS/SCSS, Foundation, Bootstrap, ES6, TypeScript

  • ·         Experience with complex, user-centric IT solutions.

  • ·         Front-end development

  • ·         JavaScript

  • ·         AngularJS

  • ·         WCAG 2.0 and ARIA implementation and accessibility best practice




  • ·         Create visual design solutions that address business requirements

  • ·         Create screen layouts, interfaces, navigation components

  • ·         Work closely with user experience (UX) designers and other design specialists

  • ·         Ensure that every page and every step a user will experience in their interaction with the finished product will conform to the overall vision created by UX designers

  • ·         Conceive and conduct user research, interviews and surveys, and translating them into sitemaps, user flows, customer journey maps, wireframes, mockups and prototypes

General Skills:

  • ·         Experience translating, creating, improving and using wireframes, prototypes, style guides, user flows, and effectively communicate interaction ideas that lead to intuitive user experiences that are optimized for a wide range of devices and interfaces.

  • ·         Experience designing and shaping unique, user-centric products and experiences.

  • ·         Experience facilitating the client’s product vision by researching, conceiving, sketching, prototyping and user-testing experiences for digital products

  • ·         Make deliberate design decisions and translate any given user-experience journey into a smooth and intuitive interaction

  • ·         Experience designing the overall functionality of the product, and in order to ensure a great user experience, iterating upon it in accordance with user-testing.

  • ·         Experience collaborating closely with developers, copywriters and UX designers

  • ·         Experience presenting and defending design decisions to team and management

  • ·         Ability to think creatively and to rationalize concepts to management.

  • ·         Knowledge of user interface design principles and best practices

  • ·         Experience identifying design problems and devising elegant solutions

  • ·         Experience making strategic design and user-experience decisions related to core, and new, functions and features

  • ·         Manage workflow and deadlines on multiple, simultaneous projects

  • ·         A team player with a track record for meeting deadlines, managing competing priorities and client relationship management experience

Desirable Skills:

  • ·         Design experience gained either within a design firm, advertising agency or in-house marketing department

  • ·         Knowledge of network security and network protocols
