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Stop Wasting Time. Find the Right Talent.

Recruiting is a time-consuming process. It's also not an easy one. You need to find the right candidates, screen them, and then convince them to come work with you in spite of all the other opportunities available to them. And once you’ve found your perfect match, they could be snatched up by another company at any moment. It’s a challenge for any company, but it can be especially difficult when you’re a startup or small business with limited resources and funding. However, there are some tips and tricks that can help make this process go as smoothly as possible!

Recruiting is a time-consuming process

Early On When starting a new company, you should start working on your recruiting efforts before you even launch your company. As much as you’d like to hire now and start right away, you may not be able to afford that. So why not start by finding people who are interested in working with you in the first place? Take advantage of free or inexpensive social media tools such as LinkedIn. Ask the right questions on your profile and narrow down your recruiting efforts by finding candidates who are interested in working for you. Once you have a few interested candidates, ask if they want to meet in person. After that, take it from there! Once you have some applicants, make sure you know their profile and past work so you can communicate effectively.

How to go about recruiting when you're a startup

At an early stage startup like Coast to Coast, it’s often pretty easy to find candidates because they tend to be focused on building something they can be proud of. By the time they’re at the later stages, they often have a set of assumptions or prejudices about what it takes to work in a startup and get them to leave their current company to work for yours. You might find it helpful to approach them with an open mind about the challenges you face and about what they can bring to your organization.

Are you ready to start recruiting?

Still, you want to do everything you can to make your job easier. This is where having a recruiting agency like CygniSoft Inc. come in. You’ll be able to create an incredible list of qualified candidates that you can leverage for your job openings. Not only do these agencies give you access to a large pool of candidates, they also get paid when candidates apply for your jobs, and they help you execute an effective job posting. Plus, they have access to all kinds of other resources to help you grow your business, which can make your recruiting process easier. With all that in mind, there are some things to keep in mind when selecting a recruiting agency.

What's the best place to find talent?

The first thing to do is to identify where there is talent to find, which can be as easy as tapping your network of contacts. To find candidates, I recommend LinkedIn, as it's a great way to get an idea of their skills and professional interests. Having a list of companies they've worked for will help you quickly zero in on candidates that are right for your business. Once you've identified your initial candidates, it's important to vet them thoroughly. Scoring the interview will be as important as ever, as that's when you will be evaluating the personality fit as well as any previous experiences they might have.

The ideal candidate for your company

The list of candidates is endless. There are people who are looking for a job, people who want to work for a company that helps them solve an immediate need or solve a long-term problem, people who want to work for an impactful organization. They range from scientists to corporate executives, students to retirees. They are in a wide range of professions and backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common: they are passionate about the company that they’re interested in working for. You need to make sure that these people fit what you’re looking for. That’s why it’s essential that you not only search for the best candidates you can, but also that you go through the right processes to evaluate and screen them, ensure they are qualified, and then make the final decision to hire. 1.

Do they fit in with your company culture?

A company is only as strong as its employees, and if you want your company to last a long time, you’ve got to attract and keep the best people. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re finding people who will fit in with your organization's culture. For example, if you want a set culture of innovation and risk-taking, you’re not likely to find many people like that in an office where everyone else is fairly cautious and conservative. Make sure your employees like each other. If you want to attract good talent, you should look to match their personalities with the personalities of your current team. And if your team is not that diverse, you might be surprised at how difficult it can be to get a new hire to adjust to your company.

Does their skill set match what you need?

Let’s face it. A good recruiter is going to have some experience in the field that they’re recruiting for. Depending on your business and industry, this can mean some experience in sales, engineering, or other specific technical and tactical areas of your work. This is where your recruiting specialist can really shine. They can offer advice and knowledge that you might not be able to find in your own company. So don’t just look at someone's resume or apply to an open position. If they're an experienced professional, they probably have some strong recommendations from friends and colleagues who could really speak to their specific skill set. This is the key to finding the best talent for your needs. Get to know the person It can be tricky to find people with the right skill set.

Hiring and onboarding tips for startups

Find candidates with the right skills. You don't have to accept the first job offer that you get! Think about what you need to do to really expand your team, and then go about finding people who fit the bill. You can search through or, see what's posted in your local jobs section, or contact a few colleges to see if they have any openings. You want candidates who have the right mix of experience, but also a passion for the job and the company. If your role requires that you have a certain degree in a particular field, you may need to go through an interview process to find the right candidate with that specific skill set. But if you don't really care about an education background, don't bother doing the interview process. You'll be wasting time and money.


We’ve just scratched the surface of the information available out there on hiring, so let us know how we can help you with your next hire. Meet our highly skilled business owners and recruiters to get more information.